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Command Line Interface

APIful provides a command line interface (CLI). Run the CLI with the --help flag to see the available commands:

npx apiful --help

It will display the following output:

APIful CLI: Extensible, Typed API Tooling

USAGE apiful generate


  generate    Generates TypeScript definitions from OpenAPI schemas

Use apiful <command> --help for more information about a command.


At the current development stage, the CLI provides only one command:


Generates TypeScript definitions from OpenAPI schemas.

This command requires the openapi-typescript package, which APIful does not include by default to keep its package size small. Install the package using your preferred package manager:

pnpm add -D openapi-typescript
yarn add -D openapi-typescript
npm install -D openapi-typescript


Read the OpenAPI extension documentation to learn how to build the type-safe API client.

By default, this command loads the APIful configuration from the apiful.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs,json} file in the current working directory. If it cannot find a configuration file based on the supported extensions, it will throw an error.

The generated TypeScript types are stored in the file apiful.d.ts in the same directory. It augments the apiful/schema module with the generated types, so that the OpenAPI extension and you can access the globally defined types.

 Generated apiful.d.ts types

Display all available options for the generate command with the --help flag:

npx apiful generate --help

It will display the following output:

Generates TypeScript definitions from OpenAPI schemas

USAGE apiful generate [OPTIONS] 


  --outfile="apiful.d.ts"    Path to the output file 
                   --root    Path to the project root


Although it is recommended to create a apiful.config.ts file with a defineApifulConfig default export, you can also write plain JavaScript (.js, .mjs, .cjs) or JSON (.json, .json5) configuration files.